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Edge Enhancement in Indoor Digital Images

1 Department of Computer Science Engineering, KVM College of Engineering and IT, India
2 Department of Computer Science Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, India

Digital image processing is rapidly evolving field with growing application in science and engineering. Edge enhancement plays a vital role in Digital image processing. Edge enhancement is a pre-processing technique for all images. Digital images are numeric representation of 2- dimensional images. A multi-scale algorithm for the unsupervised extraction of the most significant edges has been done in SAR images. It is planned to propose a novel technique for automatic edge enhancement in indoor digital images. The characteristics of digital images justify the importance of an edge enhancement step prior to edge detection. Therefore, a robust and unsupervised edge enhancement algorithm based on a combination of wavelet coefficients at different scales can be applied. Firstly, wavelet transform is used to remove noises and enhancement for images collected. Secondly, the edge detection can be performed in enhanced digital images by Canny edge detector. A double thresholding method modified from Canny’s method can be used. To derive the final image, the local intensities of each image, as well as their correlation must be taken into account using the fuzzy logic. It has been proven to be robust and effective for this application. This method could be effectively used for segmentation purposes in digital images.


Edge Enhancement, Edge Detection, Indoor Digital Image, Wavelet Transform, Canny Edge Detector, Fuzzy Logic.
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  • Edge Enhancement in Indoor Digital Images

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Lija Chacko
Department of Computer Science Engineering, KVM College of Engineering and IT, India
S. Karthiprem
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, India
V. Rajasekar
Department of Computer Science Engineering, Muthayammal Engineering College, India


Digital image processing is rapidly evolving field with growing application in science and engineering. Edge enhancement plays a vital role in Digital image processing. Edge enhancement is a pre-processing technique for all images. Digital images are numeric representation of 2- dimensional images. A multi-scale algorithm for the unsupervised extraction of the most significant edges has been done in SAR images. It is planned to propose a novel technique for automatic edge enhancement in indoor digital images. The characteristics of digital images justify the importance of an edge enhancement step prior to edge detection. Therefore, a robust and unsupervised edge enhancement algorithm based on a combination of wavelet coefficients at different scales can be applied. Firstly, wavelet transform is used to remove noises and enhancement for images collected. Secondly, the edge detection can be performed in enhanced digital images by Canny edge detector. A double thresholding method modified from Canny’s method can be used. To derive the final image, the local intensities of each image, as well as their correlation must be taken into account using the fuzzy logic. It has been proven to be robust and effective for this application. This method could be effectively used for segmentation purposes in digital images.


Edge Enhancement, Edge Detection, Indoor Digital Image, Wavelet Transform, Canny Edge Detector, Fuzzy Logic.