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Comparision between Accuracy and MSE, RMSE by using Proposed Method with Imputation Technique

1 P.E.S. College of Engineering, Aurangabad. (M.S.), India
2 Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. (M.S.), India

Presence of missing values in the dataset leads to difficult for data analysis in data mining task. In this research work, student dataset is taken contains marks of four different subjects in engineering college. Mean, Mode, Median Imputation were used to deal with challenges of incomplete data. By using MSE and RMSE on dataset using with proposed Method and imputation methods like Mean, Mode, and Median Imputation on the dataset and found out to be values of Mean Squared Error and Root Mean Squared Error for the dataset. Accuracy also found out to be using Proposed Method with Imputation Technique. Experimental observation it was found that, MSE and RMSE gradually decreases when size of the databases is gradually increases by using proposed Method. Also MSE and RMSE gradually increase when size of the databases is gradually increases by using simple imputation technique. Accuracy is also increases with increases size of the databases.


Incomplete Data, Missing Values, Imputation, Mean Imputation, Median Imputation and Mode Imputation, MSE(Mean Squared Error), RMSE(Root Mean Squared Error )etc.
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  • Comparision between Accuracy and MSE, RMSE by using Proposed Method with Imputation Technique

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V. B. Kamble
P.E.S. College of Engineering, Aurangabad. (M.S.), India
S. N. Deshmukh
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad. (M.S.), India


Presence of missing values in the dataset leads to difficult for data analysis in data mining task. In this research work, student dataset is taken contains marks of four different subjects in engineering college. Mean, Mode, Median Imputation were used to deal with challenges of incomplete data. By using MSE and RMSE on dataset using with proposed Method and imputation methods like Mean, Mode, and Median Imputation on the dataset and found out to be values of Mean Squared Error and Root Mean Squared Error for the dataset. Accuracy also found out to be using Proposed Method with Imputation Technique. Experimental observation it was found that, MSE and RMSE gradually decreases when size of the databases is gradually increases by using proposed Method. Also MSE and RMSE gradually increase when size of the databases is gradually increases by using simple imputation technique. Accuracy is also increases with increases size of the databases.


Incomplete Data, Missing Values, Imputation, Mean Imputation, Median Imputation and Mode Imputation, MSE(Mean Squared Error), RMSE(Root Mean Squared Error )etc.
