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QoS Priorities in ERP Implementation – A Study of Manufacturing Industry of Nepal

1 Lord Buddha Education Foundation- LBEF (APUTI), Kathmandu, Nepal-44600, Nepal

ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning systems help business management, which consists of a well-designed interface that incorporates different programs to integrate and manage all company functions at intervals of a company, these sets incorporate applications for human resources, monetary and accounting, sales and distribution, project management, materials management, SCM, or Supply Chain Management and quality management. Currently, organizations are running to improve their ability to survive in the global market competitions of the 21st century. While the organizations try to advance in their level of agility, changing and modifying the process of decision-making to make it more efficient and effective to satisfy the successive variations of the market. Different views are gathered regarding ERP implementation of ERP in manufacturing. Even we have taken certain essential components of ERP for a better understanding of ERP. Ease of use, usefulness, quality, and trust on ERP services have been taken an independent variable that affects user’s decision to adopt ERP. The role of ERP technology in manufacturing facilities are broken into more categories for detail concept. Quantitative data analysis methods were usually used for questionnaire data analysis which was utilized to analyze statistical data and after that collection of interview data was done. A researcher has applied different statistical tools like Chi-Square Tests, Anova, etc. to analyze the collected data. A researcher essential portion is to analyze and interpret data that relates to modifying data which explains the solution to the research question with some additional future recommendation for more quality research.


Anova, Chi-square Tests, Erp, Manufacturing, Management, Scm.
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  • QoS Priorities in ERP Implementation – A Study of Manufacturing Industry of Nepal

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Susan Giri
Lord Buddha Education Foundation- LBEF (APUTI), Kathmandu, Nepal-44600, Nepal
Ram Naresh Thakur
Lord Buddha Education Foundation- LBEF (APUTI), Kathmandu, Nepal-44600, Nepal
Jyotir Moy Chatterjee
Lord Buddha Education Foundation- LBEF (APUTI), Kathmandu, Nepal-44600, Nepal


ERP, or Enterprise Resource Planning systems help business management, which consists of a well-designed interface that incorporates different programs to integrate and manage all company functions at intervals of a company, these sets incorporate applications for human resources, monetary and accounting, sales and distribution, project management, materials management, SCM, or Supply Chain Management and quality management. Currently, organizations are running to improve their ability to survive in the global market competitions of the 21st century. While the organizations try to advance in their level of agility, changing and modifying the process of decision-making to make it more efficient and effective to satisfy the successive variations of the market. Different views are gathered regarding ERP implementation of ERP in manufacturing. Even we have taken certain essential components of ERP for a better understanding of ERP. Ease of use, usefulness, quality, and trust on ERP services have been taken an independent variable that affects user’s decision to adopt ERP. The role of ERP technology in manufacturing facilities are broken into more categories for detail concept. Quantitative data analysis methods were usually used for questionnaire data analysis which was utilized to analyze statistical data and after that collection of interview data was done. A researcher has applied different statistical tools like Chi-Square Tests, Anova, etc. to analyze the collected data. A researcher essential portion is to analyze and interpret data that relates to modifying data which explains the solution to the research question with some additional future recommendation for more quality research.


Anova, Chi-square Tests, Erp, Manufacturing, Management, Scm.
