Contemplations Influencing Individual Stress level: A Study of College Students in Hisar
Stress is an integral part of life, especially for a college student. It has effects on people's behavior, communications and efficiency. Academic institutions have different work settings compared to non-academics and therefore one would expect the difference in symptoms, causes, and consequences of stress. The present paper has empirically investigated two objectives: first, to investigate the factors that influence individual stress level and second to assess the relative significance of these factors on overall stress management among students. The study is based on a sample of 150 respondents from Hisar district of Haryana state and applied statistical tools of factor analysis and regression analysis to achieve the objective of the study.
Factor analysis gets five factors named as: personal problem, relationship problem, social problem, academic problem and lastly environmental problem. Results of regression analysis reveals that students of colleges are usually facing stress more from relationship and environmental problems.

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