Socio-Economic Aspects as a Potential Moderator on the Relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Spirituality is the unique inner search for optimum personal advancement through involvement into inspirational secrecy. Open expression of spirituality at workplace enables employees to experience a feeling of completeness at work. Spirituality is our internal realization and way of self enlightenment. It is a specific form of job sentiment that stimulates action. It may emphatically contribute more in the formation of more strong position for Organizational Citizenship Behaviors to make a way into in a workplace. Each facet of Workplace Spirituality has a positive link with organizational citizenship behaviors, (OCB). This paper tries to identify the sagacity of Spirituality and its impact on the employees in private engineering colleges in Bhubaneswar by using a self administered questionnaire.
This research intended to find the association between workplace spirituality and OCB by using simple regression analysis. The present study also investigated the moderating effect of socio-economic factors on the relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB by using hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The study found a positive relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB. It has been also found that the select socio-economic factors have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB.
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