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Socio-Economic Aspects as a Potential Moderator on the Relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

1 Department of MBA, CV Raman Group of Institutions, GA193, Niladreevihar Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751016
2 Department of MBA, CV Raman Group of Institutions, KC-28, Kharabela Complex, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751019, India

Spirituality is the unique inner search for optimum personal advancement through involvement into inspirational secrecy. Open expression of spirituality at workplace enables employees to experience a feeling of completeness at work. Spirituality is our internal realization and way of self enlightenment. It is a specific form of job sentiment that stimulates action. It may emphatically contribute more in the formation of more strong position for Organizational Citizenship Behaviors to make a way into in a workplace. Each facet of Workplace Spirituality has a positive link with organizational citizenship behaviors, (OCB). This paper tries to identify the sagacity of Spirituality and its impact on the employees in private engineering colleges in Bhubaneswar by using a self administered questionnaire.

This research intended to find the association between workplace spirituality and OCB by using simple regression analysis. The present study also investigated the moderating effect of socio-economic factors on the relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB by using hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The study found a positive relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB. It has been also found that the select socio-economic factors have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB.


Workplace Spirituality, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis.
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  • Socio-Economic Aspects as a Potential Moderator on the Relationship between Workplace Spirituality and Organizational Citizenship Behavior

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Tulika Singh
Department of MBA, CV Raman Group of Institutions, GA193, Niladreevihar Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751016
Sasmita Mishra
Department of MBA, CV Raman Group of Institutions, KC-28, Kharabela Complex, Aiginia, Bhubaneswar, Odisha-751019, India


Spirituality is the unique inner search for optimum personal advancement through involvement into inspirational secrecy. Open expression of spirituality at workplace enables employees to experience a feeling of completeness at work. Spirituality is our internal realization and way of self enlightenment. It is a specific form of job sentiment that stimulates action. It may emphatically contribute more in the formation of more strong position for Organizational Citizenship Behaviors to make a way into in a workplace. Each facet of Workplace Spirituality has a positive link with organizational citizenship behaviors, (OCB). This paper tries to identify the sagacity of Spirituality and its impact on the employees in private engineering colleges in Bhubaneswar by using a self administered questionnaire.

This research intended to find the association between workplace spirituality and OCB by using simple regression analysis. The present study also investigated the moderating effect of socio-economic factors on the relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB by using hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The study found a positive relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB. It has been also found that the select socio-economic factors have a significant moderating effect on the relationship between workplace spirituality and OCB.


Workplace Spirituality, Organizational Citizenship Behaviors, Hierarchical Multiple Regression Analysis.
