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Role of Information-Source and Applicants’ Disconfirmation Sensitivity in Job Application Decisions

1 XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur, India

Every recruitment exercise, designed to get the right people, involves assimilations of factors that could positively influence and/or convert a job seeker’s organisational attraction to a decision to apply. These factors could be varied in nature from being internal and/or external. This article takes a discursive route to state the importance of studying the role of disconfirmation sensitivity and information quality; factors, vital to the process of recruitment with tremendous impact on the perception of job expectations and intention to apply. Moderation to application decisions in the preliminary stages of recruitment are critical to the success of any recruitment exercise. Fast paced changes in the business processes, virtual job arrangements and changing nature of sources of recruitment along with dynamic employment objectives of job seekers render the subject of information quality and disconfirmation sensitivity worthy of discussion.

This article adopts a discursive analysis to present the latent importance of information quality and disconfirmation sensitivity in a recruitment process and intention to apply. High-quality information programmes contribute to employability and right career choices for a job seeker in the digital age. The relationship between job application decision, information quality and disconfirmation is one which holds a cohesive structural utility and is based on the functionality of the emerging demands and dynamics of the job market.


Information Quality, Job Expectations, Dis Confirmation Sensitivity, HR.
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  • Role of Information-Source and Applicants’ Disconfirmation Sensitivity in Job Application Decisions

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Urvashi Thakur
XLRI Campus, Jamshedpur, India


Every recruitment exercise, designed to get the right people, involves assimilations of factors that could positively influence and/or convert a job seeker’s organisational attraction to a decision to apply. These factors could be varied in nature from being internal and/or external. This article takes a discursive route to state the importance of studying the role of disconfirmation sensitivity and information quality; factors, vital to the process of recruitment with tremendous impact on the perception of job expectations and intention to apply. Moderation to application decisions in the preliminary stages of recruitment are critical to the success of any recruitment exercise. Fast paced changes in the business processes, virtual job arrangements and changing nature of sources of recruitment along with dynamic employment objectives of job seekers render the subject of information quality and disconfirmation sensitivity worthy of discussion.

This article adopts a discursive analysis to present the latent importance of information quality and disconfirmation sensitivity in a recruitment process and intention to apply. High-quality information programmes contribute to employability and right career choices for a job seeker in the digital age. The relationship between job application decision, information quality and disconfirmation is one which holds a cohesive structural utility and is based on the functionality of the emerging demands and dynamics of the job market.


Information Quality, Job Expectations, Dis Confirmation Sensitivity, HR.
