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Psychological Empowerment and Place Attachment influencing

1 Research Scholar, School of Management, KIIT University Bhubaneswar, India
2 Associate Professor (OB & HR), School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar-7510024, Orissa, India

Organizational Citizenship behaviour (OCB) has been found to be largely influenced by individual characteristics. However, how an individual’s emotional bonding with the place (organization) influences OCB has not been studied. There has also been growing interest in the impact of Psychological Empowerment on display of OCB. Hence, this research aims to explore the impact of Place Attachment (PA) and Psychological Empowerment (PE) on OCB among the employees of a private University in the Eastern Region. Data were collected with the help of a questionnaire from the employees who were willing to participate and after checking for completeness of the responses and outliers, finally, 323 data were analyzed. Correlation analysis and structural equation modelling revealed that both PA and PE influenced all the dimensions of OCB. The findings of this study will contribute towards understanding the importance of variables such as PE and PA in an academic setting and its impact on the display of extra role voluntary behaviours.


Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Psychological Empowerment, Place Attachment, Academics.
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  • Psychological Empowerment and Place Attachment influencing

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Anita Pradhan
Research Scholar, School of Management, KIIT University Bhubaneswar, India
Sasmita Mishra
Associate Professor (OB & HR), School of Management, KIIT University, Bhubaneswar-7510024, Orissa, India


Organizational Citizenship behaviour (OCB) has been found to be largely influenced by individual characteristics. However, how an individual’s emotional bonding with the place (organization) influences OCB has not been studied. There has also been growing interest in the impact of Psychological Empowerment on display of OCB. Hence, this research aims to explore the impact of Place Attachment (PA) and Psychological Empowerment (PE) on OCB among the employees of a private University in the Eastern Region. Data were collected with the help of a questionnaire from the employees who were willing to participate and after checking for completeness of the responses and outliers, finally, 323 data were analyzed. Correlation analysis and structural equation modelling revealed that both PA and PE influenced all the dimensions of OCB. The findings of this study will contribute towards understanding the importance of variables such as PE and PA in an academic setting and its impact on the display of extra role voluntary behaviours.


Organizational Citizenship Behaviour, Psychological Empowerment, Place Attachment, Academics.
