Investigating Online Purchase Intension Antecedents: A Study of e-Tailing Experiences
In today’s era the internet and smartphone has changed the way of communication and doing the business. The rapid growth of online shopping facilitates new opportunities to do business. To grab the opportunities and develop strategies to deal with the possible challenges in the Indian e–commerce market, the e-tailers should have the understanding about the e– commerce market and the factors affecting the online shopping behaviour of consumers. In this context, this study aims at investigating the attributes affecting the online shopping behaviour in the state of Odisha. It also examines the perception towards the various online shopping attributes like website attributes and customer attributes. This study is based on empirical survey, with the help of structured questionnaire through both online and offline modes. Data analysis has been done using SPSS software. The findings of this study suggests “website attributes” (comprising interactivity/ connectivity, privacy and safety, website atmospherics, trust, website usability, order fulfilment and customer support) and “customer attributes” (including telepresence, perceived risks, online shopping attitude, website reputation, perceived control, perceived skills, perceived self-efficacy and ease of use) have a significant relationship with customer experience. Demographic variables like income, age and gender were found to have significant impact on the medium of online shopping used.
Online Shopping, Internet, Shopping Behaviour, Website Attributes, Customer Attributes, Customer Experience.
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