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Well-Being of the Health Care Professionals - A Review and Synthesis of Literature

1 Research Scholar, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 144001, India
2 Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 144001, India

This pandemic time due to COVID 19 outbreaks, Hospital Sector has become a crucial sector for the whole economy. This virus undoubtedly has made us realize the unquestionable relevance of the hospital sector and the need for health care professionals (HCP). With this in mind, the purpose of the current research is to provide a comprehensive and concise state of the art, literature review on the concept of Well- Being of healthcare employees during the pandemic. Drawing on the various well-being models and dimensions, we attempt to identify the additional factors that can help maintain the Well- Being of Health Care Professionals through a Well-Being Structure (WBS). The current study builds upon the review of 100 published articles related to profound aspects of well-being, well-being during pandemic times specific to the healthcare sector. Research gaps in the literature have been identified to suggest future research opportunities. This present paper is timely because globally, the whole population is still suffering from this contagious disease. It may last on this earth to some extent always in coming years in one or the other geographical area. This review will be facilitating the Health Care Administration in maintaining and managing the well- being of Human Resources in an improved manner. Recommendations and future research are provided using Well- Being Structure. Finally, implications for the hospital administrations, health care professionals and society have been discussed.


Health Care Professionals (HCP), Employee Well- Being (EWB), Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), Well Being Structure (WBS).
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  • Well-Being of the Health Care Professionals - A Review and Synthesis of Literature

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Manpreet Kailay
Research Scholar, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 144001, India
Kamalpreet Kaur Paposa
Assistant Professor, Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab 144001, India


This pandemic time due to COVID 19 outbreaks, Hospital Sector has become a crucial sector for the whole economy. This virus undoubtedly has made us realize the unquestionable relevance of the hospital sector and the need for health care professionals (HCP). With this in mind, the purpose of the current research is to provide a comprehensive and concise state of the art, literature review on the concept of Well- Being of healthcare employees during the pandemic. Drawing on the various well-being models and dimensions, we attempt to identify the additional factors that can help maintain the Well- Being of Health Care Professionals through a Well-Being Structure (WBS). The current study builds upon the review of 100 published articles related to profound aspects of well-being, well-being during pandemic times specific to the healthcare sector. Research gaps in the literature have been identified to suggest future research opportunities. This present paper is timely because globally, the whole population is still suffering from this contagious disease. It may last on this earth to some extent always in coming years in one or the other geographical area. This review will be facilitating the Health Care Administration in maintaining and managing the well- being of Human Resources in an improved manner. Recommendations and future research are provided using Well- Being Structure. Finally, implications for the hospital administrations, health care professionals and society have been discussed.


Health Care Professionals (HCP), Employee Well- Being (EWB), Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19), Well Being Structure (WBS).
