Analysis of Self Phase Modulation Fiber Nonlinearity in Optical Transmission System with Dispersion
In this paper, self phase modulation fiber nonlinearity, in single mode fiber optical communication system has been investigated with dispersion. The investigation is carried out in terms of Q - factor analysis at optical receiver output of single mode optical fiber communication system by varying the fiber length 10 to 100 Km at different values of fiber dispersion -10 to +10 ps/nm/km. It has been observed from results that at fiber length of 10 km and zero dispersion we obtain maximum Q-factor of 23.73 and it is least affected by SPM. Further we have also analyzed the effect of SPM by varying the input launched optical power from -10 to +12.5 dBm at different values of effective core area of optical fiber 30 to 80 μm2 in terms of Q-factor. From analysis it has been observed that 60 μm2 effective fiber core area gives minimum SPM at -10 dBm input launched optical power. Similarly SPM effect is investigated by varying input launched optical power at various values of fiber dispersion from -10 to +10 ps/nm/km and observed that zero fiber dispersion at -10 dBm input launched optical power gives maximum Q-factor. This analysis indicates that 10 km fiber length, -10 dBm optical lunched power and zero fiber dispersion are best suitable parameters for reduction of SPM nonlinearity in these systems.
SPM, Q-Factor, EDFA, Leff and Aeff.
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