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Experimental Investigation of Evaporative Condenser with Two Cooling Pads for Window Air-Conditioner

1 CEC, Landran, Punjab, India

The increased power consumption and with limited recourses, it is important to save energy and reduce carbon foot prints. The tropical climate like of India, summer conditions have higher temperatures by 5o to 10o C in daytime temperature over last two decades. So the demand of air-conditioners increases by 30% per year. Nowadays air-conditioning is not a luxury, with time it becomes necessity. Considering these issues, enhancement of Coefficient of Performance (COP) of air conditioners and reduction in their power input is the matter of interest. In this paper evaporative condenser with two cooling pads is developed. It is observed from the results that with this type of condenser power consumption decreases by about 15% and the coefficient of performance increases by about 50%.


Condenser, Cooling Pads, COP, Power Consumption.
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  • Experimental Investigation of Evaporative Condenser with Two Cooling Pads for Window Air-Conditioner

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Reshap Arora
CEC, Landran, Punjab, India
Rajesh Sharma
CEC, Landran, Punjab, India


The increased power consumption and with limited recourses, it is important to save energy and reduce carbon foot prints. The tropical climate like of India, summer conditions have higher temperatures by 5o to 10o C in daytime temperature over last two decades. So the demand of air-conditioners increases by 30% per year. Nowadays air-conditioning is not a luxury, with time it becomes necessity. Considering these issues, enhancement of Coefficient of Performance (COP) of air conditioners and reduction in their power input is the matter of interest. In this paper evaporative condenser with two cooling pads is developed. It is observed from the results that with this type of condenser power consumption decreases by about 15% and the coefficient of performance increases by about 50%.


Condenser, Cooling Pads, COP, Power Consumption.
