Effect of Temperature and Specific Humidity of the Air on Performance of Celdek Packed Liquid Desiccant Regenerator
Current paper presents experimental study of the effect of inlet process parameters of humid air on different output parameters of counter flow liquid desiccant regeneration system. Temperature and specific humidity are selected as inlet process parameters. Regenerator is the heart of liquid desiccant air cooling system. Celdek structured pads with packing density 390 m2/m3 as packing material and calcium chloride as liquid desiccant are used in the present research. Air and desiccant solution flow in counter flow direction with respect to each other. One parameter is varied at a time and others are kept constant. Different outlet parameters studied are outlet specific humidity, evaporation flow rate, outlet temperature of air, outlet temperature of solution and effectiveness of the regenerator. Variation of evaporation rate at average found is 51.86 % which is maximum increase among all output parameters. Decrease in solution output temperature obtained is 4.75 % with varying specific humidity of air.
Desiccant, Air, Regenerator, Celdek Pads, Specific Humidity, Effectiveness, Evaporation Flow Rate, Temperature.
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