EnerPro:Energy Proficiency Platform in Cloud Environment
Cloud computing is an information technology (IT) paradigm, where computing is served as a utility. It is distributed computing where computing, storage and software are being offered as a service and uses the internet technologies for delivery of IT services to any needed users. Due to the emergence of cloud computing, large data centers came into existence. The data centers become over provisioned i.e. they are highly inefficient at delivering IT services. This faces tremendous energy consumption, carbon dioxide emission and also saving the cost associated with it. So the energy consumption is becoming the key issue for IT organizations nowadays. This is necessary for data centers and providers to produce lesser amount of heat that reduce the total of energy consumed and thereby saving the cost. Energy consumption becomes primary concern to the widespread development of cloud data centers. High energy consumption leads to one of the major cause for the global warming (i.e. high heat dissipation and CO2 emission) that will affect the environment directly or indirectly. Thus, various algorithms are introduced by the different authors to reduce the energy consumption. This research paper presented a review on the already existing methods and algorithms for solving the problem of high energy consumption.
Resource Allocation, Energy Efficiency, Cloud Computing, Virtualization, Virtual Machine Placement, Green Computing.
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