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Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning-Applications, Benefits in Education with its Challenges Posed to Education

1 Education Department, Jammu University Jammu, India
2 Education Department, Jammu University, India

In mobile learning, learners attain knowledge, information at his/her ease of time, place and situation without disturbing his/her other routine/job works. Moreover having knowledge, information ,skills as given above simultaneously by many learner, students or people by modern means like cellular phone, internet, laptop, desktop, social media like hike, email, facebook etc is ubiquitous learning. Mobile and ubiquitous leaning has broken water tight compartment separation of formal, informal, and non formal learning. Though it has brought all on common place. Formal and non formal classes can be accessed by mobile and ubiquitous learning. Govt. Education departments are also following modern educational techniques like internet, broadband, Radio, TV, Wi-Fi etc. in campus of universities, colleges and schools to support mobile and ubiquitous learning to maximize the reach of education, information and knowledge to the beneficiaries. Main components of mobile and ubiquitous learning are devices like cell phone, laptop etc by which knowledge is accessed, Content matter means knowledge/information ,skill which is to be accessed must be up to mark and authentic, Learner who is to have knowledge like student, general public, teachers and educators etc. Mobile and ubiquitous learning has tremendous application in education. Lesson can be accessed like video and audio lessons on demand, video conferencing with many experts at a place. Knowledge can be shared by a lecture to many ones within no time .It has direct beneficial impact on education as it is paperless, 24/7 available, large assignments can be shared easily, flexible, cost effective as internet and electronic devices are getting low cost day by day definitely it would enthused the learning and education. But challenges to education in mobile and ubiquities learning cannot be ruled out. So mechanism to control it must be put in place and strengthened. Cyber crimes, problem of copyright of authentic knowledge as well as piracy to original information posing serious threats to education. Economic as well acknowledge losses are there due to it too. Unauthentic knowledge must be examined debugged at once and regular scrutiny be done. Sometimes Devices are not easily compatible data transfer gets interrupted. Regular updating of software, systems must be carried out. On the whole it is proving to be boon to education.


Mobile Learning, Ubiquitous Learning, Cyber Crimes, Debugged, Content Matter.
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  • Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning-Applications, Benefits in Education with its Challenges Posed to Education

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Sameeksha Sadotra
Education Department, Jammu University Jammu, India
Anjali Sharma
Education Department, Jammu University, India


In mobile learning, learners attain knowledge, information at his/her ease of time, place and situation without disturbing his/her other routine/job works. Moreover having knowledge, information ,skills as given above simultaneously by many learner, students or people by modern means like cellular phone, internet, laptop, desktop, social media like hike, email, facebook etc is ubiquitous learning. Mobile and ubiquitous leaning has broken water tight compartment separation of formal, informal, and non formal learning. Though it has brought all on common place. Formal and non formal classes can be accessed by mobile and ubiquitous learning. Govt. Education departments are also following modern educational techniques like internet, broadband, Radio, TV, Wi-Fi etc. in campus of universities, colleges and schools to support mobile and ubiquitous learning to maximize the reach of education, information and knowledge to the beneficiaries. Main components of mobile and ubiquitous learning are devices like cell phone, laptop etc by which knowledge is accessed, Content matter means knowledge/information ,skill which is to be accessed must be up to mark and authentic, Learner who is to have knowledge like student, general public, teachers and educators etc. Mobile and ubiquitous learning has tremendous application in education. Lesson can be accessed like video and audio lessons on demand, video conferencing with many experts at a place. Knowledge can be shared by a lecture to many ones within no time .It has direct beneficial impact on education as it is paperless, 24/7 available, large assignments can be shared easily, flexible, cost effective as internet and electronic devices are getting low cost day by day definitely it would enthused the learning and education. But challenges to education in mobile and ubiquities learning cannot be ruled out. So mechanism to control it must be put in place and strengthened. Cyber crimes, problem of copyright of authentic knowledge as well as piracy to original information posing serious threats to education. Economic as well acknowledge losses are there due to it too. Unauthentic knowledge must be examined debugged at once and regular scrutiny be done. Sometimes Devices are not easily compatible data transfer gets interrupted. Regular updating of software, systems must be carried out. On the whole it is proving to be boon to education.


Mobile Learning, Ubiquitous Learning, Cyber Crimes, Debugged, Content Matter.
