Load Balancing Schemes in Cloud Environment
Cloud computing is a generic term, it is the method of employing a network of faraway servers hosted on the Internet to accumulate, administer, and alter data, instead on a personal computer. It facilitates companies to incorporate a computing resource, such as a virtual machine, storage or an application, as a service, rather than framing and managing computing infrastructures in house. The distributive nature of cloud computing makes the resources distributively available for delivering the services to cloud consumers. Load Balancing is one of the essential characteristics of cloud computing environment. In case of cloud environment Load balancing balances the process of assigning workloads across numerous computing resources. It is the process that allot a larger load to smaller nodes in order to get the work done in more efficient way and it’s also enhances the overall performance of the system. It allots the dynamic local workload evenly between all the nodes. It results in the proper resource utilization, minimizing resource consumption, maximal throughput with minimal response time, scalability which in turn provides high user satisfaction. It helps in implementing fail over, and avoiding bottlenecks. In this research paper different load balancing strategies in the cloud environment are compared. The research paper also analyzed and discussed the behavior of distinct load balancing schemes on the basis of certain parameters.
Cloud Computing, Load Balancing, Load Balancing Algorithms, Types of Load Balancing.
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