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Survey of Re-Routing Techniques in Traffic Light System

1 Department of Computer Science, G.I.M.E.T , Amritsar, Punjab, India
2 Department Computer Science, G.I.M.E.T , Amritsar, Punjab, India

To reduce the risk of accidents the traffic control system came into existence. One of the major challenges was to detect dangerous situations and react accordingly to mitigate accidents and divert traffic if possible. In order to accomplish this evolution in traffic, the situation is needed to be analyzed along with checking seriousness of the situation. This paper is a survey of existing methods used for prediction of traffic along with techniques used to judge severity of traffic so that rerouting may be suggested. The fault tolerance mechanisms utilized in prediction system also needs to be analyzed for stability. The proposed classification also defines trade-offs that exist between models and achievements that exist due to real time environment constraints.


Traffic, Prediction, Accidents, Criticality, Re Routing, Fault, Stability, Classification, Trade-Offs, Constraint.
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  • Survey of Re-Routing Techniques in Traffic Light System

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Poonam Rani
Department of Computer Science, G.I.M.E.T , Amritsar, Punjab, India
Navpreet Rupal
Department Computer Science, G.I.M.E.T , Amritsar, Punjab, India
Gaurav Kuamr
Department of Computer Science, G.I.M.E.T , Amritsar, Punjab, India


To reduce the risk of accidents the traffic control system came into existence. One of the major challenges was to detect dangerous situations and react accordingly to mitigate accidents and divert traffic if possible. In order to accomplish this evolution in traffic, the situation is needed to be analyzed along with checking seriousness of the situation. This paper is a survey of existing methods used for prediction of traffic along with techniques used to judge severity of traffic so that rerouting may be suggested. The fault tolerance mechanisms utilized in prediction system also needs to be analyzed for stability. The proposed classification also defines trade-offs that exist between models and achievements that exist due to real time environment constraints.


Traffic, Prediction, Accidents, Criticality, Re Routing, Fault, Stability, Classification, Trade-Offs, Constraint.
