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Polysemy Identification for Dogri Language

1 Department of Computer Science and IT, University of Jammu, Jammu, India

Many of the NLP systems fails to identify the Word Sense Disambiguation and because of the Polysemy. This problem persists in almost all the NLP systems for the Indian languages. The approach for the identification of this problem depend on language specific knowledge based on the context of the polysemy words and some pre-existing natural language processing (NLP) tools for the low resourced languages like Dogri. In this paper a model is proposed for the polysemy identifications and management based on the context. The proposed model will suggest the meaning based on the context.


Polysemy, Dogri, Word Sense Disambiguation.
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  • Polysemy Identification for Dogri Language

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Shubhnandan S. Jamwal
Department of Computer Science and IT, University of Jammu, Jammu, India


Many of the NLP systems fails to identify the Word Sense Disambiguation and because of the Polysemy. This problem persists in almost all the NLP systems for the Indian languages. The approach for the identification of this problem depend on language specific knowledge based on the context of the polysemy words and some pre-existing natural language processing (NLP) tools for the low resourced languages like Dogri. In this paper a model is proposed for the polysemy identifications and management based on the context. The proposed model will suggest the meaning based on the context.


Polysemy, Dogri, Word Sense Disambiguation.
