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React-Native Based Mobile App for Biosignal Data Acquisition Design

1 Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science, IICSE University, Inc., USA., United States

Human-machine Interfaces (HMIs) is a scientific asset to the interdisciplinary research area of biomedical signal acquisition system and graphical display. Image acquisition from scanning devices has raised great technological challenges to be resolved in the past decade. The proposed mobile application is compatible with both android and iOS devices and it was developed in the React Native framework using Visual Studio code and Expo Snack tools. Biomedical instruments are used to assist doctors in their diagnosis and surgical procedures. More such products in the market have become a recent trend in the form of wearable and handheld portable devices compatible with mobile phones to assist remote patient analysis and recovery process. The signal conditioning preprocessing circuitry designed to provide the graphical information of the biomedical image acquisition devices uses low power, low bandwidth Analog-toDigital converter (ADC). The proposed mobile application is an initial prototype to assist the design of a single-bit ADC using different CMOS technology nodes in addition to displaying a graphical output of ECG.


Human-Computer Interface, Transducer Signal Conditioning Circuitry, Analog-to-Digital Converter, Biopotential Signal Processing, Sampling, Biomedical Data Acquisition, Electrocardiogram, React-Native Framework for Mobile App.
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  • React-Native Based Mobile App for Biosignal Data Acquisition Design

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Deepthi A. J.
Ph.D. Student, Department of Computer Science, IICSE University, Inc., USA., United States


Human-machine Interfaces (HMIs) is a scientific asset to the interdisciplinary research area of biomedical signal acquisition system and graphical display. Image acquisition from scanning devices has raised great technological challenges to be resolved in the past decade. The proposed mobile application is compatible with both android and iOS devices and it was developed in the React Native framework using Visual Studio code and Expo Snack tools. Biomedical instruments are used to assist doctors in their diagnosis and surgical procedures. More such products in the market have become a recent trend in the form of wearable and handheld portable devices compatible with mobile phones to assist remote patient analysis and recovery process. The signal conditioning preprocessing circuitry designed to provide the graphical information of the biomedical image acquisition devices uses low power, low bandwidth Analog-toDigital converter (ADC). The proposed mobile application is an initial prototype to assist the design of a single-bit ADC using different CMOS technology nodes in addition to displaying a graphical output of ECG.


Human-Computer Interface, Transducer Signal Conditioning Circuitry, Analog-to-Digital Converter, Biopotential Signal Processing, Sampling, Biomedical Data Acquisition, Electrocardiogram, React-Native Framework for Mobile App.
