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Developing a Scale to Study The Relationship Between Relational Capital and Performance of International Joint Ventures Operating in India

1 Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India

The study has developed a scale for measurement of the influence between relational capital on performance of international joint ventures operating in India. The scale has been developed on the basis of a thorough literature review and then refined through expert validation, interviews and group discussions. Various constructs of the relational capital have been identified and listed in the study. The scale items are constructed after rigorous methodological churning. As the study is conceptual in nature, it has to go through empirical evidence. To the best of researcher’s knowledge, very few studies have focused on the aspect of relational capital in the context of international joint ventures operating in India. The scale developed is original in nature.


Measurement Scale, Relational Capital, Joint Venture.
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  • Developing a Scale to Study The Relationship Between Relational Capital and Performance of International Joint Ventures Operating in India

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Vijita Singh Aggarwal
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, New Delhi, India


The study has developed a scale for measurement of the influence between relational capital on performance of international joint ventures operating in India. The scale has been developed on the basis of a thorough literature review and then refined through expert validation, interviews and group discussions. Various constructs of the relational capital have been identified and listed in the study. The scale items are constructed after rigorous methodological churning. As the study is conceptual in nature, it has to go through empirical evidence. To the best of researcher’s knowledge, very few studies have focused on the aspect of relational capital in the context of international joint ventures operating in India. The scale developed is original in nature.


Measurement Scale, Relational Capital, Joint Venture.
