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Knowledge Transfer: A Mediation Analysis of Knowledge, Technology and Sustainable Innovation
The study has tested the relationship between information technology based systems, knowledge transfer, and innovation performance in international joint ventures operating in India. The study has its ischolar_mains in the theory of dynamic capabilities. Questionnaire was developed by adapting the standardised scales of the three constructs. It was subjected to a survey from middle and top-level executives of Indian IJVs. Data were analysed using Smart-PLS-3. A significant direct impact of IT-based systems on innovation performance was confirmed. Bootstrapping process has shown the presence of partial mediation between knowledge transfer, IT-based systems and innovation performance in IJVs. Various secondary reports have suggested that innovation is a crucial factor for the growth of Indian economy and Indian economy is now focusing more on improving the innovation ecosystem to become globally competitive. The study has theoretical as well as managerial implications. Managers can identify the areas of IT-based systems to be focused in order to attain sustainable competitive advantage through innovation. Researchers may extend this model to include more relevant variables to make the model more robust, thus opening new avenues for research. Despite the researchers’ best efforts, the study suffers from a few limitations. It is limited in scope, size, place, and time. It is only validated in Indian IJVs context and needs to be checked in other organizational forms and countries to check its generalizability. The study is original in nature. It is among the few studies to establish an empirical link among IT-based systems, knowledge transfer, and innovation in Indian IJVs context.
Dynamic Capabilities, Innovation, International Joint Ventures, IT-Based Systems, Knowledge Transfer.
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