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Attitude towards Entrepreneurship among Engineering Students - A Comparative Study
Entrepreneurship is a symbol of business growth and strength which requires competency, skills and knowledge. Researchers from many countries point out gender gap in the choice of entrepreneurship for various socio-economic reasons. This gap in choice of entrepreneurship is wider as compared to gender difference in the labor force participation rates in India. This study has been conducted to investigate whether or not, there is gender differential attitudes in the choice of entrepreneurship as the career option upon completion of graduation among the students of engineering colleges in Indore district of MP in India. In this era of digitalization and technological innovations budding engineers both male and female, have plenty of opportunities for starting entrepreneurship. The study was based on primary data and respondents were selected from undergraduate students (male and female) pursuing engineering education. Both in the public and the private engineering college the statistical test of ANOVA among multiple groups of respondents shows that there is no difference in level of entrepreneurial attitude between male and female students of engineering colleges. The findings of the present study are different from findings of previous studies on gender bias attitude towards entrepreneurship.
Entrepreneurship, Attitude, Entrepreneurship, Gender Gap, Engineering Students.
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