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Chaskar, Pratip K.
- Study of Antiulcer Activity of Leaves of Sesbania grandiflora Linn. (Fabaceae)
1 Lokseva College of Pharmacy, Pune, Maharashtra, IN
2 Sanjivani College of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kopargaon, Maharashtra, IN
3 Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Yadavrao Tasgaonkar Institute of Pharmacy, Bhivpuri Road, Maharashtra, IN
4 Sinhgad College of Pharmacy, Vadgaon (Bk.), Pune, Maharashtra, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol 4, No 6 (2012), Pagination: 322-325Abstract
Plant extracts have been used for centuries, as popular remedies against several health disorders. In traditional books, it was mentioned that Sesbania grandiflora L. leaves has antiulcer activity. With reference to these, we had taken this plant for its perfection study. The present study revealed the antiulcer activity batches using petroleum ether, chloroform and hydroalcoholic solvents of Sesbania grandiflora L. The above activities observed may be due to the presence of phytochemical constituents such as alkaloids, flavonoids, triterpenes, steroids, glycosides and tannins. In short, this project was a successful attempt to discover new antiulcerative property from plant source. The ethanolic extract of Sesbania grandiflora L. prevented acute gastric injury in rats. The extracts of Sesbania grandiflora L. were subjected to qualitative analysis for the various phytoconstituents like alkaloids, carbohydrates, glycosides, phytosterols, saponins, tannins, proteins, amino acids and flavonoids.