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Vadivu, R.
- Establishment of Pharmacognostical Standards for the Bark of Sterculia foetida linn
1 Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Madras Medical College, Chennai-03
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol 8, No 2 (2016), Pagination: 75-80Abstract
Pharmacognostical studies were carried out to identify and authenticate the bark of Sterculia foetida. Pharmacognostical studies were carried out in terms of macroscopic, microscopic and physiochemical analysis. The outer bark is grey in color and inner bark is buff coloured single quill and has fibrous texture. The characteristic microscopic features of bark were observed as cork, cortex, medullary rays, phloem parenchyma and sclerenchyma in the transverse section. The microscopical features of powdered bark showed the presence of lignified fibers, xylem vessels, stone cells, cortex and calcium oxalate crystals. Histochemical studies were done to identify and locate the active constituents present in the bark. Ash values, extractive values, swelling index, foaming index, loss on drying and foreign organic matter were also carried out in order to find out the quality and purity of the drug.Keywords
Sterculiafoetida, Macroscopy, Microscopy, Histochemical studies and Physio-chemical constants.- A Review on Sterculia foetida Linn
1 Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Madras Medical College, Chennai-03, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol 7, No 4 (2015), Pagination: 239-244Abstract
Sterculia foetida Linn., (Sterculiaceae) known as Wild Almond or Java olive is an attractive umbrella shaped spreading tree. Traditionally, leaves as well as the seeds have important medicinal values as they contain Sterculic acid(53%) as a constituent which has proven to have interesting pharmacological applications such as anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic and anti-obesity potentials. The tree yield edible seeds rich in fat (30-36%) and protein 11.4%. Traditionally leaves and bark are used as aperient, diaphoretic, diuretic and also used in the treatment of rheumatism, obesity, gonorrhoea, dropsy, skin diseases etc,. The plant is rich in fatty acids and flavonoids. This review summarizes the overall research of phytochemical and pharmacological activities of Sterculia foetida in the recent years.Keywords
Sterculia foetida, Sterculiaceae, Review, Phytochemical, Pharmacological.- Pharmacognostical Standardization of Leaves of Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn.
1 Department of Pharmacognosy, College of Pharmacy, Madras Medical College, Chennai, Tamilnadu, IN
Research Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, Vol 2, No 4 (2010), Pagination: 288-292Abstract
Standardization was carried out on the basis of detailed botanical evaluation of the leaves which includes morphology and microscopy as well as WHO recommended physico-chemical studies. The results of the standardization may throw a immense light on the botanical identity of the leaves Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn., which may furnish a basis of judging the authenticity of the plant and also to differentiate the drug from its adulterants and other species.
Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn., (Strelitziaceae), also known as Visirivazhai in Tamil, is a native of Madagascar, widely cultivated for its distinctive habit in tropical and subtropical regions. In addition to its ornamental nature, this tree has been widely used in traditional medicine for the treatment of diabetes and kidney stone problems. The seeds are reported to be antiseptic. The leaves of Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn., have close resemblance with Musa leaf. Hence pharmacognostical standardization will contribute to the differentiation of Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. leaves from that of Musa paradisiaca. The anatomy of leaf showed squarish upper epidermis. The lower epidermis was stomatiferous. Cyclocytic stomata, druses, raphides, mesophyll with tannin bodies, lobed sclereids remain the characteristic features of the leaf microscopy. Physicochemical parameters were evaluated and fluorescence analysis were carried out.
Thus the study employs the correct identification of standardization of the drug in crude form.