Evaluation of Gastroprotective Influence of Vitamin C, Melatonin, Rabeprazole and their Combination in Ethanol Induced Ulcer Model
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Aim: To evaluate the gastroprotective effect of the antioxidants (vitamin C and melatonin), rabeprazole and their combination in ethanol induced peptic ulcers.
Methodology: The study was divided into 2 dosage groups-single and multiple dose study groups. Each of the dosage group consists of wistar albino rats of either sex (180-220g) divided into 4 groups of 6 animals each.
In single dose study, The animals were fasted for 48h. At the end of 48h, the animals were administered with the drugs. 1h after drug administration, absolute ethanol (1ml/200g p.o.) was administered to all groups. 2h after ethanol administration, the animals were euthantised and stomachs were excised out. In multiple dose study, the animals were administered with drugs for 7 consecutive days. On 7th day following drug administration, the animals were fasted for 48h. At the end of 48h, the aimals were administered with absolute ethanol (1ml/200g p.o.) 2h after ethanol administration, the animals were euthantised, stomachs were excised out. The stomachs excised out from both the study groups were evaluated for ulcer index and percentage protection. However, for multiple dose study group histopathological study was also performed to evaluate cytoprotection.
Result: The results were interpreted statistically using one way ANOVA. The combination group (rabeprazole + vitamin C and rabeprazole + Melatonin) showed significant antiulcer activity in both single and multiple dose study groups, on comparison with rabeprazole, vitamin C and melatonin individually.
Conclusion: The effect of combination groups was found to be synergistic in nature and more effective in treating peptic ulcer disease.
Methodology: The study was divided into 2 dosage groups-single and multiple dose study groups. Each of the dosage group consists of wistar albino rats of either sex (180-220g) divided into 4 groups of 6 animals each.
In single dose study, The animals were fasted for 48h. At the end of 48h, the animals were administered with the drugs. 1h after drug administration, absolute ethanol (1ml/200g p.o.) was administered to all groups. 2h after ethanol administration, the animals were euthantised and stomachs were excised out. In multiple dose study, the animals were administered with drugs for 7 consecutive days. On 7th day following drug administration, the animals were fasted for 48h. At the end of 48h, the aimals were administered with absolute ethanol (1ml/200g p.o.) 2h after ethanol administration, the animals were euthantised, stomachs were excised out. The stomachs excised out from both the study groups were evaluated for ulcer index and percentage protection. However, for multiple dose study group histopathological study was also performed to evaluate cytoprotection.
Result: The results were interpreted statistically using one way ANOVA. The combination group (rabeprazole + vitamin C and rabeprazole + Melatonin) showed significant antiulcer activity in both single and multiple dose study groups, on comparison with rabeprazole, vitamin C and melatonin individually.
Conclusion: The effect of combination groups was found to be synergistic in nature and more effective in treating peptic ulcer disease.
Antiulcer activity, Rabeprazole, Vitamin C, Melatonin, Antioxidants, Ethanol induced ulcers
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