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Approaches for Measuring and Improving Service Quality–A Critical Review

1 S. K. School of Business Management, Hemchandracharya, North Gujarat University, Patan, Gujarat - 384265, India
2 V. M. Patel Institute of Management, Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar, Mehsana-Gozaria Highway, Kherva, Gujarat 384012, India

It's a prime concern for service provider to improve quality of their services on continuous basis to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, higher market share and profitability. Service quality can be measured through how well services meet up customers' expectations. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature and pin point different approaches available such as SERVQUAL, Kano model and Quality function deployment model. The review will highlight characteristics; application and limitation of these models through analysis of various studies conducted across the world and will suggest an extended model to improve service quality.


Service Quality, Servqual, Kano Model, Quality Function Deployment.
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  • Approaches for Measuring and Improving Service Quality–A Critical Review

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Nishithkumar H. Bhatt
S. K. School of Business Management, Hemchandracharya, North Gujarat University, Patan, Gujarat - 384265, India
Nikita Patel
V. M. Patel Institute of Management, Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar, Mehsana-Gozaria Highway, Kherva, Gujarat 384012, India


It's a prime concern for service provider to improve quality of their services on continuous basis to achieve sustainable competitive advantage, higher market share and profitability. Service quality can be measured through how well services meet up customers' expectations. The purpose of this paper is to review the literature and pin point different approaches available such as SERVQUAL, Kano model and Quality function deployment model. The review will highlight characteristics; application and limitation of these models through analysis of various studies conducted across the world and will suggest an extended model to improve service quality.


Service Quality, Servqual, Kano Model, Quality Function Deployment.
