Thermo-Acoustical Characteristics of Binary Mixture of Acetone and Aniline in Pyridine
The two binary systems : acetone and pyridine and aniline and pyridine at different temperatures have been studied to determine the different ultrasonic parameters. The measured values of density, ultrasonic velocity and coefficient of viscosity shows increasing trend with the increase in concentration of acetone in the mixture of pyridine. The nature of the curves of compressibility, free length, free volume show decreasing trend with that of increase in the concentration of acetone or aniline in their respective mixture. The internal pressure of both the binary mixture is found to increase with the corresponding increase in concentration of the acetone or aniline in their binary mixture. The excess values of the above parameters such as, excess velocity υE, excess adiabatic compressibility υαE, excess free length LfE, excess free volume VfE and excess internal pressure πiE have also been evaluated and the results presented graphically. The data confirms the existence of interaction between the components of the binary mixtures.
Molecular Interaction, Free Volume, Ultrasonic Velocity, Internal Pressure, Excess Parameters.
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