Study of Physical and Acoustical Properties of Silver Nanofluid
Nanoparticles (1-100 nm) in base fluids have numerous exceptional physiochemical properties absolutely different from those of bulk metal due to their extremely small size and large superficial area to volume. A one-step chemical method has been developed for the preparation of stable, non agglomerated silver nano fluid without using any surfactant. Silver nanofluid is prepared by using silver nitrate as a source for silver nanoparticles, distilled water as a base fluid, and tannic acid (tannin) as reducing agent of Ag+ ions. The formation of colloidal silver was followed by X-ray diffraction topography, UV-visible absorption spectroscopy monitoring the growth of the nanoparticles. Investigation of sample was carried out to study physical properties like absorbance; electrical conductance. The ultrasonic study has been done in different concentration of silver nano fluid at different temperature. The different acoustical parameters are calculated using the experimental data of ultrasonic velocity, density and viscosity. The characteristic behaviors of the acoustic parameters are observed at the particular temperature/particle concentration. The results are discussed in correlation with the thermophysical properties predicting the enhanced thermal conductivity of the samples. The absorbance values and the electrical conductance of the samples increase with the gradual addition of silver nitrate solution to tannic acid.
Nanofluid, Colloidal Solution, Ultrasonic Velocity, Acoustical Parameter, Absorbance, Electrical Conductance.
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