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Study of Enhancement of Ultrasonic Velocity in Methanol Based Silver Nanoparticle Suspension

1 Department of Physics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur-440003, India
2 Department of Physics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033, India
3 Department of Physics, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maregaon-445303, India
4 Department of Physics, S.P. Pune University, Pune-411007, India

In this study, the methanol-based nanofluids was prepared by synthesizing silver nanoparticles by thermal decomposition method and then dispersed Ag nanoparticles in pure methanol using magnetic stirring equipment. The main objective of this paper is to measure the acoustic and thermo physical parameters of the methanol-based nanofluids at different concentration and at different temperature. We have also measured the particle size, Miller indices and lattice parameters of silver nanoparticles. The multifrequency interferometer techniques at the frequency of piezoelectric transducers 1 MHz is applied for measuring the ultrasonic velocity of methanol-based nanofluids with an accuracy of ±0.1 m. The results show that ultrasonic velocity decreases initially with an increase of the nanoparticle weight/volume fraction, and then again increases and the enhancement is observed at concentration of 0.008 ?. Dipole-Induced dipole type of interaction and Agglomerisation of nanoparticles is considered to be the main reason for the ultrasonic velocity enhancement.


Silver Nanoparticles, XRD, Ultrasonic Velocity.
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  • Study of Enhancement of Ultrasonic Velocity in Methanol Based Silver Nanoparticle Suspension

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O. P. Chimankar
Department of Physics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur-440003, India
N. N. Padole
Department of Physics, RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur-440033, India
N. R. Pawar
Department of Physics, Arts, Commerce and Science College, Maregaon-445303, India
V. A. Tabhane
Department of Physics, S.P. Pune University, Pune-411007, India


In this study, the methanol-based nanofluids was prepared by synthesizing silver nanoparticles by thermal decomposition method and then dispersed Ag nanoparticles in pure methanol using magnetic stirring equipment. The main objective of this paper is to measure the acoustic and thermo physical parameters of the methanol-based nanofluids at different concentration and at different temperature. We have also measured the particle size, Miller indices and lattice parameters of silver nanoparticles. The multifrequency interferometer techniques at the frequency of piezoelectric transducers 1 MHz is applied for measuring the ultrasonic velocity of methanol-based nanofluids with an accuracy of ±0.1 m. The results show that ultrasonic velocity decreases initially with an increase of the nanoparticle weight/volume fraction, and then again increases and the enhancement is observed at concentration of 0.008 ?. Dipole-Induced dipole type of interaction and Agglomerisation of nanoparticles is considered to be the main reason for the ultrasonic velocity enhancement.


Silver Nanoparticles, XRD, Ultrasonic Velocity.
