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Miscibility Studies of Polycarbonate/Polymethylmethacrylate Blend in Chloroform by Ultrasonic Technique

1 Department of Applied Sciences, Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam-396155, India
2 Department of Physics, University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007, India

In present investigation, an attempt has been made to evaluate various thermoacoustics parameters of polycarbonate in chloroform at different concentrations of poly (methyl methacrylate). The propagation of ultrasonic waves and the measurement of their velocity in solutions form an important tool for the evaluation of various acoustical and thermo dynamical parameters which give an insight into the nature of miscibility and molecular interactions in polymer blend. In the present work, ultrasonic velocities, densities, viscosities and absorption have been measured in 0.1 M solution using pulse echo overlap technique at 293 K at different concentrations of polycarbonate/poly (methyl methacrylate) blend in chloroform. Thermoacoustical parameters viz., adiabatic compressibility, molar sound velocity, molar compressibility, acoustic impedance, van der Waals' constant and internal pressure have been computed from the experimental data. The variation of u.s. velocity and other thermo-acoustical parameters suggest miscibility or compatibility among the component polymers. The nature of solvent/polymer/polymer interaction and the effect of concentration on the molecular interaction of polycarbonate and polymethylmethacrylate in chloroform have been studied.


Pulse Echo Overlap Technique, Ultrasonic Velocity, Acoustical Parameters, Solvent/Polymer/Polymer Interaction.
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  • Miscibility Studies of Polycarbonate/Polymethylmethacrylate Blend in Chloroform by Ultrasonic Technique

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Priyanka Tabhane
Department of Applied Sciences, Laxmi Institute of Technology, Sarigam-396155, India
Vilas Tabhane
Department of Physics, University of Pune, Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007, India


In present investigation, an attempt has been made to evaluate various thermoacoustics parameters of polycarbonate in chloroform at different concentrations of poly (methyl methacrylate). The propagation of ultrasonic waves and the measurement of their velocity in solutions form an important tool for the evaluation of various acoustical and thermo dynamical parameters which give an insight into the nature of miscibility and molecular interactions in polymer blend. In the present work, ultrasonic velocities, densities, viscosities and absorption have been measured in 0.1 M solution using pulse echo overlap technique at 293 K at different concentrations of polycarbonate/poly (methyl methacrylate) blend in chloroform. Thermoacoustical parameters viz., adiabatic compressibility, molar sound velocity, molar compressibility, acoustic impedance, van der Waals' constant and internal pressure have been computed from the experimental data. The variation of u.s. velocity and other thermo-acoustical parameters suggest miscibility or compatibility among the component polymers. The nature of solvent/polymer/polymer interaction and the effect of concentration on the molecular interaction of polycarbonate and polymethylmethacrylate in chloroform have been studied.


Pulse Echo Overlap Technique, Ultrasonic Velocity, Acoustical Parameters, Solvent/Polymer/Polymer Interaction.