An Ultrasonic Study of Aqueous Solutions of Various Drugs Used for Cough-Jacobson’s Theory of Compressibility
Six drugs belonging to one class which are used for reducing cough have been chosen for an ultrasonic study. These solutions have in them as major components-Chlorpheniramine maleate/diphenydramine hydrochloride/ambroxol hydrochloride/terbutalline sulphate/codeine phosphate/herbal syrup. Ultrasonic velocity and density have been measured in the aqueous solutions of these systems at 303.15K. Deviations in velocity and compressibility have been computed. Also the effect of these systems on the structure of water has been analysed employing Jacobson’s theory of adiabatic compressibilities.
Ultrasonic Velocity, Adiabatic Compressibility, Jacobson’s Theory, Aqueous Solutions, Structural Properties.
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