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Ultrasonic and Spectroscopic Studies of Binary Mixtures of Cyclohexanone with Hexane and Heptane

1 Department of Physics, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Trichirappaali - 620 002, India

This paper reports the experimental densities, sound velocities and viscosities of the binary mixtures of Cyclohexanone with Hexane and Heptane respectively, which have been measured at 308.15Kfor the entire range of mole fraction. From these data, excess volume (VE) have been calculated. Experimental and computed results are used to study the type and nature of inter and intra molecular interactions between the mixing components. Even though these types of studies exist in the literature there is no confirmation for the observed excess properties through other non-ultrasonic techniques. For the confirmation of the excess properties FTIR spectra have been taken for various compositions. This FTIR study gives supportive evidences for the results obtained through the excess properties.


Ultrasonic Velocity, Excess Volume, Cyclohexanone, FTIR Spectrum, Dipole Induced Dipole-Interaction.
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  • Ultrasonic and Spectroscopic Studies of Binary Mixtures of Cyclohexanone with Hexane and Heptane

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A. J. Clement Lourduraj
Department of Physics, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Trichirappaali - 620 002, India
I. Johnson
Department of Physics, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Trichirappaali - 620 002, India


This paper reports the experimental densities, sound velocities and viscosities of the binary mixtures of Cyclohexanone with Hexane and Heptane respectively, which have been measured at 308.15Kfor the entire range of mole fraction. From these data, excess volume (VE) have been calculated. Experimental and computed results are used to study the type and nature of inter and intra molecular interactions between the mixing components. Even though these types of studies exist in the literature there is no confirmation for the observed excess properties through other non-ultrasonic techniques. For the confirmation of the excess properties FTIR spectra have been taken for various compositions. This FTIR study gives supportive evidences for the results obtained through the excess properties.


Ultrasonic Velocity, Excess Volume, Cyclohexanone, FTIR Spectrum, Dipole Induced Dipole-Interaction.