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Ultrasonic and Spectroscopic Studies of Binary Mixture 2 Ethoxy Ethanol+DMSO at 303.15K

1 Department of Physics, St Joseph's College, Trichy-620002, India

A deeper knowledge of mixing properties of multi component liquid systems is essential in many industrial applications, such as design calculation, mass transfer, fluid flow etc. This paper reports the experimental densities, sound velocities and viscosities of the binary mixture 2-Ethoxy ethanol+Dimethyl sulfoxide which have been measured at 308.15K for the entire range of mole fraction. From these data, excess volume VE, deviations in adiabatic compressibility Δβa, viscosity Δη and ultrasonic velocity Δu have been calculated. Experimental and computed results are used to study the type and nature of inter and intra molecular interactions between the mixing components. Even though these type of studies are existing in the literature there is no confirmation for the observed excess properties through other non ultrasonic techniques. For the confirmation of the observed excess properties FTIR spectra have been taken in the regions where the VE and Δβa are maximum negative in addition to some more regions and also for the participating pure liquid components. High-purity spectroscopic and HPLC grade chemicals of 2-Ethoxy ethanol and DMSO were obtained from Merck Co. Their purities were 99.5% or better and no further purification was done. The chemicals were stored over molecular sieves. The verification of the purity of the chemicals was realized by ascertaining the consistency of the values of density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity at 298.15K which were reasonably in accordance with the values found in the literature. FTIR spectra were taken for the liquid mixtures in a FTIR spectrum photometer (Perkin Elmer Co. model 1605) by using the KBr pellet method.
The excess properties study shows that the maximum interaction occurs for the mole fraction value of 0.6 to 0.7 for 2-Ethoxy ethanol and 0.4 to 0.3 for DMSO which has been confirmed from the detailed spectroscopic study. The frequency shift and intensity variation shows the possibility of maximum interaction in this region when compared with other regions which confirms the conclusions obtained from the excess property studies.
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  • Ultrasonic and Spectroscopic Studies of Binary Mixture 2 Ethoxy Ethanol+DMSO at 303.15K

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I. Johnson
Department of Physics, St Joseph's College, Trichy-620002, India
A. J. Clement Lourduraj
Department of Physics, St Joseph's College, Trichy-620002, India


A deeper knowledge of mixing properties of multi component liquid systems is essential in many industrial applications, such as design calculation, mass transfer, fluid flow etc. This paper reports the experimental densities, sound velocities and viscosities of the binary mixture 2-Ethoxy ethanol+Dimethyl sulfoxide which have been measured at 308.15K for the entire range of mole fraction. From these data, excess volume VE, deviations in adiabatic compressibility Δβa, viscosity Δη and ultrasonic velocity Δu have been calculated. Experimental and computed results are used to study the type and nature of inter and intra molecular interactions between the mixing components. Even though these type of studies are existing in the literature there is no confirmation for the observed excess properties through other non ultrasonic techniques. For the confirmation of the observed excess properties FTIR spectra have been taken in the regions where the VE and Δβa are maximum negative in addition to some more regions and also for the participating pure liquid components. High-purity spectroscopic and HPLC grade chemicals of 2-Ethoxy ethanol and DMSO were obtained from Merck Co. Their purities were 99.5% or better and no further purification was done. The chemicals were stored over molecular sieves. The verification of the purity of the chemicals was realized by ascertaining the consistency of the values of density, viscosity and ultrasonic velocity at 298.15K which were reasonably in accordance with the values found in the literature. FTIR spectra were taken for the liquid mixtures in a FTIR spectrum photometer (Perkin Elmer Co. model 1605) by using the KBr pellet method.
The excess properties study shows that the maximum interaction occurs for the mole fraction value of 0.6 to 0.7 for 2-Ethoxy ethanol and 0.4 to 0.3 for DMSO which has been confirmed from the detailed spectroscopic study. The frequency shift and intensity variation shows the possibility of maximum interaction in this region when compared with other regions which confirms the conclusions obtained from the excess property studies.