Ultrasonic Velocity, Viscosity and Density Studies of Poly (Ethylene Glycols) (PEG-8,000, PEG-20,000) in Acetonitrile (AN) and Water (H2O) Mixtures at 25°C
Ultrasonic velocity, viscosity and density studies on solutions of PEG's of molecular weights (8,000-11,000) and (20,000) have been carried out in water (H20) and its binary mixtures with Acetonitrile (AN) at 25°C. From the velocity, density and viscosity data values, various acoustical parameters namely, specific acoustic impedance (Z), adiabatic compressibilty (β), intermolecular free length (Lf), relative association (R.A.), molar sound velocity (R), Wada's constant (W), solvation number (Sn) apparent molar adiabatic compressibilty (∅ks), viscous relaxation time (t), internal pressure (π) and free volume (Vf) have been calculated. All these parameters have been discussed separately to throw light on the polymer-polymer and polymer-solvent interactions.
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