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Elastic and Thermo-Acoustic Study of YM Intermetallics

1 Department of Physics, P.P.N. (P.G.) College, Kanpur-208001, India
2 Department of Chemistry, P.P.N. (P.G.) College, Kanpur-208001, India
3 Amity Institute of Applied Sciences, Amity University, Noida-201313, India

The work involves estimation of elastic, ultrasonic and thermo-physical properties of YM (Y: Yttrium, M=Zn, Cu, Ag) intermetallics at 300 K. Initially, second order elastic constants and elastic modulus of chosen intermetallics are determined in temperature range 300K-1200K under potential model approach. Later, the ultrasonic velocities are calculated using second order elastic constants and densities for wave propagation along <100>, <110> and <111> crystallographic directions. Additionally, Debye temperature, specific heat at constant volume, thermal conductivity and thermal relaxation time are also calculated. The analysis reveals that compound YCu incorporates better mechanical and thermal properties than the other two compounds.


Intermetallics, Elastic Properties, Ultrasonic Velocity, Thermal Relaxation Time, Thermal Conductivity.
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  • Elastic and Thermo-Acoustic Study of YM Intermetallics

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Aftab Khan
Department of Physics, P.P.N. (P.G.) College, Kanpur-208001, India
Chandreshvar Prasad Yadav
Department of Physics, P.P.N. (P.G.) College, Kanpur-208001, India
Dharmendra Kumar Pandey
Department of Physics, P.P.N. (P.G.) College, Kanpur-208001, India
Dhananjay Singh
Department of Chemistry, P.P.N. (P.G.) College, Kanpur-208001, India
Devraj Singh
Amity Institute of Applied Sciences, Amity University, Noida-201313, India


The work involves estimation of elastic, ultrasonic and thermo-physical properties of YM (Y: Yttrium, M=Zn, Cu, Ag) intermetallics at 300 K. Initially, second order elastic constants and elastic modulus of chosen intermetallics are determined in temperature range 300K-1200K under potential model approach. Later, the ultrasonic velocities are calculated using second order elastic constants and densities for wave propagation along <100>, <110> and <111> crystallographic directions. Additionally, Debye temperature, specific heat at constant volume, thermal conductivity and thermal relaxation time are also calculated. The analysis reveals that compound YCu incorporates better mechanical and thermal properties than the other two compounds.


Intermetallics, Elastic Properties, Ultrasonic Velocity, Thermal Relaxation Time, Thermal Conductivity.
