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Nano-ultrasonic sensors and IOT systems for health care applications

1 NSIT, Dwarka Sector-3, Dwarka, Delhi-110 078, India., India

With the development of science, ultrasonic technology is finding its newer and newer, applications in different fields in the measurement of the physical parameters very precisely at faster speed. The size of the transducer devices has become of nano-size and measurement has enabled to nano-measurement. In the present paper, recent developments in nano-ultrasonic sensors and IOT (Internet of Things) based systems are described for different health care applications. AI (Artificial Intelligence) in ultrasonic measurements and use of block chain systems are also discussed for specific applications. Design and development of nano-ultrasonic devices and IOT based systems are explained here.Case studies of cancer research and hyperthermia for treatment of deep-seated tumours in the brain are given. The study is very useful in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities/diseases in the human beings quickly at low cost.


Nano-Ultrasonic Sensors, IoT (Internet-of-Things) Systems, Healthcare, Blockchain Technology, Cancer Research, AI (Artificial Intelligence), Hyperthermia, Brain Tumours.
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  • Nano-ultrasonic sensors and IOT systems for health care applications

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V.R. Singh
NSIT, Dwarka Sector-3, Dwarka, Delhi-110 078, India., India
P. Rajagopal
NSIT, Dwarka Sector-3, Dwarka, Delhi-110 078, India., India
K. Balasubramaniam
NSIT, Dwarka Sector-3, Dwarka, Delhi-110 078, India., India
Kanika Singh
NSIT, Dwarka Sector-3, Dwarka, Delhi-110 078, India., India


With the development of science, ultrasonic technology is finding its newer and newer, applications in different fields in the measurement of the physical parameters very precisely at faster speed. The size of the transducer devices has become of nano-size and measurement has enabled to nano-measurement. In the present paper, recent developments in nano-ultrasonic sensors and IOT (Internet of Things) based systems are described for different health care applications. AI (Artificial Intelligence) in ultrasonic measurements and use of block chain systems are also discussed for specific applications. Design and development of nano-ultrasonic devices and IOT based systems are explained here.Case studies of cancer research and hyperthermia for treatment of deep-seated tumours in the brain are given. The study is very useful in the clinical diagnosis and treatment of abnormalities/diseases in the human beings quickly at low cost.


Nano-Ultrasonic Sensors, IoT (Internet-of-Things) Systems, Healthcare, Blockchain Technology, Cancer Research, AI (Artificial Intelligence), Hyperthermia, Brain Tumours.
