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Ultrasonic study of calcium soaps (laurate and myristate)

1 Department of Chemistry, RBS College, Agra-282 002, India., India
2 Department of Chemistry, V.S.S.D. College, Kanpur-208 002, India., India
3 Department of Chemistry, Agra College Agra College, Agra-282 002, India., India

Ultrasonic studies on calcium soaps (laurate and myristate) were performed to determine the critical micelle concentration (CMC), soap-solvent interaction, and various acoustic parameters. The values of the CMC decrease with the increase in the chain length of the soap molecules. The ultrasonic velocity, specific acoustic impedance, apparent molar compressibility, and relative association increase while the adiabatic compressibility, intermolecular free length, and solvation number, decrease with increasing soap concentration. The ultrasonic velocity results show that calcium soaps behave like a simple electrolyte in the solutions and that there is significant interaction between the soap and solvent molecules in dilute solutions.


Ultrasonic Velocity, Specific Acoustic Impedance.
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  • Ultrasonic study of calcium soaps (laurate and myristate)

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Mahesh Singh Khirwar
Department of Chemistry, RBS College, Agra-282 002, India., India
Ashish K. Singh
Department of Chemistry, V.S.S.D. College, Kanpur-208 002, India., India
Sandeep K. Singh
Department of Chemistry, V.S.S.D. College, Kanpur-208 002, India., India
M.K. Rawat
Department of Chemistry, Agra College Agra College, Agra-282 002, India., India
Gyan Prakash
Department of Chemistry, V.S.S.D. College, Kanpur-208 002, India., India


Ultrasonic studies on calcium soaps (laurate and myristate) were performed to determine the critical micelle concentration (CMC), soap-solvent interaction, and various acoustic parameters. The values of the CMC decrease with the increase in the chain length of the soap molecules. The ultrasonic velocity, specific acoustic impedance, apparent molar compressibility, and relative association increase while the adiabatic compressibility, intermolecular free length, and solvation number, decrease with increasing soap concentration. The ultrasonic velocity results show that calcium soaps behave like a simple electrolyte in the solutions and that there is significant interaction between the soap and solvent molecules in dilute solutions.


Ultrasonic Velocity, Specific Acoustic Impedance.
