Vol 41, No 2 (2019)

Table of Contents

Vol 41, No 2 (2019)


Acoustical and Excess Parameter Studies of Piperine with MgCl2
Pallavi B. Nalle, R. G. Dorik, K. M. Jadhav
 Vol 41, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 27-35
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Effect of Tetra Alkyl Ammonium Chain Length and Dielectric Constant on Molecular Interaction Studies in Ternary Liquid Mixture of Dioxane, DMSO and H2O using Ultrasonic Technique
Indu Saxena, Vijay Kumar
 Vol 41, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 36-43
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Elastic, Mechanical and Thermal Properties of Wurtzite BeO Nanowires
Sudhanshu Tripathi, Rekha Agarwal, Devraj Singh
 Vol 41, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 44-50
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Study of Hybrid Composites using Measurements of Ultrasonic and Some Physical Properties
S. P. Mishra, A. Sarangi, G. Nath
 Vol 41, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 51-54
ABSTRACT |  PDF Abstract Views: 246  |  PDF Views: 0

PhD Thesis Summary

Ultrasonic Characterisation of Compatible Solvent Mixture in Dewaxing of Crude Oil
 Vol 41, No 2 (2019), Pagination: 55-55
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