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Potential of Cow's Rumen Fluid as Bio-Activator in the Production of Solid Organic Fertilizers

1 Perum. Taman Gading, Blok AG 08, Jember, East Java, Indonesia
2 IKIP PGRI Jember, Jl. Jawa No. 10, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
3 University of Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia

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Organic fertilizer becomes a necessity in order to produce better quality, safe-to-consume agricultural produce, and to support soil conservation and environment. However, organic fertilizer needs to be decomposed and requires a long time to release nutrients for plants as compared to the inorganic fertilizers. The solution of that problem is by applying the bio-activator created from cow’s rumen fluid in the production of organic fertilizers. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of bio-activator created from cow's rumen fluid in the production of solid organic fertilizers. The solid organic fertilizers in this research were from (i) animal manure, (ii) vegetable waste and (iii) legume plant residue. The results of the study showed that bio-activator application had effects on the time of composting, and physical and chemical characteristics of solid organic fertilizers which was indicated by pH value and C/N ratio in accordance with SNI-2011 standard, as well as faster composting process than other solid organic fertilizers.


Animal Manure, Bio-Activator, Cow's Rumen Fluid, Legume Straw, Vegetable Waste.
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Abstract Views: 873

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  • Potential of Cow's Rumen Fluid as Bio-Activator in the Production of Solid Organic Fertilizers

Abstract Views: 873  |  PDF Views: 3


Fatimatuz Zuhro
Perum. Taman Gading, Blok AG 08, Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Hasni Ummul Hasanah
IKIP PGRI Jember, Jl. Jawa No. 10, Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Sugeng Winarso
University of Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
Mohammad Hoesain
University of Jember, Jawa Timur, Indonesia


Organic fertilizer becomes a necessity in order to produce better quality, safe-to-consume agricultural produce, and to support soil conservation and environment. However, organic fertilizer needs to be decomposed and requires a long time to release nutrients for plants as compared to the inorganic fertilizers. The solution of that problem is by applying the bio-activator created from cow’s rumen fluid in the production of organic fertilizers. The purpose of this research was to know the effect of bio-activator created from cow's rumen fluid in the production of solid organic fertilizers. The solid organic fertilizers in this research were from (i) animal manure, (ii) vegetable waste and (iii) legume plant residue. The results of the study showed that bio-activator application had effects on the time of composting, and physical and chemical characteristics of solid organic fertilizers which was indicated by pH value and C/N ratio in accordance with SNI-2011 standard, as well as faster composting process than other solid organic fertilizers.


Animal Manure, Bio-Activator, Cow's Rumen Fluid, Legume Straw, Vegetable Waste.
