Enhancing Propagation Efficiency of Banana cv. MONTHAN (ABB) through Micropropagation
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An investigation was carried out at Plant Tissue Culture Laboratory of Horticultural College and Research Institute, Coimbatore during 2012-2013. Shoot tip of banana cv. MONTHAN were cultured in MS medium fortified with different growth regulators (BAP @ 4, 5 and 6 mg l-1) either alone or in combination with NAA (0.5 mg l-1) and kinetin (2 mg l-1) to study the influence of growth regulators on multiplication rate. The data on number of multiple shoots, days for multiple shoot induction and micro shoot length were recorded. MS+BAP 6 mg l-1 + kinetin 2 mg l-1 recorded maximum number of multiple shoots (5.07). MS + BAP 6 mg l-1 recorded least days for multiple shoot induction (27.06 days) and highest micro shoot length (6.73cm). Further to enhance multiplication best growth regulator combination (MS + BAP 6 mg l-1 + Kinetin 2 mg l-1) along with different concentration of coconut water (5, 10 and 15%) and casein hydrolysate (100, 200 and 300 mg l-1) were supplemented. MS + BAP 6 mg l-1 + kinetin 2 mg l-1+coconut water 5 per cent recorded the highest number of multiple shoots at all the intervals of subculture (5.13). The best growth regulator combination (MS+BAP 6 mg l-1 + kinetin 2 mg l-1) along with B5 vitamins in specific to different thiamine concentration (5, 10 and 15 mg l-1) for further multiplication were supplemented and B5 vitamins with thiamine combinations did not increase the multiplication rate. The degree of efficiency of shooting was found to be dependent on type of hormone.
Banana, Multiplication, BAP, Kinetin, Coconut Water, Thiamine.
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