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Effect of Maturity Indices, Post-Harvest Treatments and Storage Temperature on Shelf-Life of Mango cv. KESAR

1 Ratnai College of Agriculture, Akluj (M.S.), India

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Shelf-life of fruit was significantly enhanced with minimum ripening percentage, higher number of healthy fruit percentage in Kesar mango having sp. gr. < 1.00 (M3) fallowed by sp. gr. 1.00-1.02 (M2). Wax coating 6 per cent (R3) was effective to increasing the shelf-life of fruit, ripening days, healthy fruit per cent and minimum ripening per cent. Soft-rot diseases incidence was does not found in hot water (R1) and bavistin (R2) treatments. A comparative study on the effect of low temperature storage of fresh harvested mango stored at 15°C (T1) and 20°C (T2) was made with respect to physiological changes. Not only delay the ripening percentage with ripening day, but also increase the healthy fruit per cent in lower temperature at 15°C of storage temperature with 85 per cent RH up to 42nd days of shelf-life.


Mango, Kesar, Maturity Indices, Shelf-Life, Waxing.
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  • Effect of Maturity Indices, Post-Harvest Treatments and Storage Temperature on Shelf-Life of Mango cv. KESAR

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Shailendra R. Mane
Ratnai College of Agriculture, Akluj (M.S.), India
Y. T. Jadhav
Ratnai College of Agriculture, Akluj (M.S.), India
D. P. Barkade
Ratnai College of Agriculture, Akluj (M.S.), India


Shelf-life of fruit was significantly enhanced with minimum ripening percentage, higher number of healthy fruit percentage in Kesar mango having sp. gr. < 1.00 (M3) fallowed by sp. gr. 1.00-1.02 (M2). Wax coating 6 per cent (R3) was effective to increasing the shelf-life of fruit, ripening days, healthy fruit per cent and minimum ripening per cent. Soft-rot diseases incidence was does not found in hot water (R1) and bavistin (R2) treatments. A comparative study on the effect of low temperature storage of fresh harvested mango stored at 15°C (T1) and 20°C (T2) was made with respect to physiological changes. Not only delay the ripening percentage with ripening day, but also increase the healthy fruit per cent in lower temperature at 15°C of storage temperature with 85 per cent RH up to 42nd days of shelf-life.


Mango, Kesar, Maturity Indices, Shelf-Life, Waxing.
