To Study the Effect of GA3 on Yield Components of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) Varieties
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The current survey entitled, “To study the effect of GA3 on yield components of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench) varieties” was conceded at Guru Kashi University Research Farm. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design (RBD) comprising two varieties i.e. Punjab Suhawani and Punjab 8 with three replications of each treatment. Foliar spray of growth regulator GA3was spray at different concentrations (Control with water soaking of seed for 12 hrs, 25 ppm GA3, 50 ppm GA3, 75 ppm GA3 and 100 ppm GA3) 30th day after sowing. Sowing was done in April month of 2019. The observation was recorded on three randomly selected plants concerning characters viz., Days to 50% flowering (Days), Days to the first harvest (Days), Average fruit length (cm), Average fruit weight (g), Number of fruits per plant (No.) and Yield per plant (g). Results revealed that foliar spray of 100 ppm after 30 days sowing significantly gave positive effect on growth parameters i.e. 50 per cent flowering (44.20 days), first harvesting (49 days) in Punjab Suhawani variety. In yield parameter, GA3 100 ppm gave maximum fruit length (14.20 cm), fruit weight (20.06 g) by Punjab Suhawani, and a maximum number of fruit per plant (12.29) and fruit yield per plant (367.89 g) as compared to other treatment and Punjab 8 variety.
GA3, Punjab Suhawani, Punjab 8, Growth regulator
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