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Characteristics of Input to Represent the Valid Values for Mandatory Authority Parameters : A Case Study on Library Systems

1 University of Jaffna, Thirunelveli, Jaffna, Sri Lanka

The operations of library management depend on a set of library-specific parameters defined in a library system. The library-specific parameters are represented by data. One of the functions of a library system is storing data in the database for library management and services. The stored data should be valid for successful library management. The paper identifies the characteristics of input and the library parameters that were used in databases. The characteristics of input and the validity of the corresponding data stored in databases for mandatory library parameters were analysed. The study finds the system design and management required to store the valid data for the mandatory library parameter.


List of Values, Authorised Values, Mandatory Library Parameters, System Design, System Characteristics.
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  • Characteristics of Input to Represent the Valid Values for Mandatory Authority Parameters : A Case Study on Library Systems

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Sivapackiyanathan Ketheeswaren
University of Jaffna, Thirunelveli, Jaffna, Sri Lanka


The operations of library management depend on a set of library-specific parameters defined in a library system. The library-specific parameters are represented by data. One of the functions of a library system is storing data in the database for library management and services. The stored data should be valid for successful library management. The paper identifies the characteristics of input and the library parameters that were used in databases. The characteristics of input and the validity of the corresponding data stored in databases for mandatory library parameters were analysed. The study finds the system design and management required to store the valid data for the mandatory library parameter.


List of Values, Authorised Values, Mandatory Library Parameters, System Design, System Characteristics.
