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Mo-Index for Multi-Authors Papers

1 College of Engineering, University of Mosul, Mosul, 41002, Iraq

h-index takes no care of co-authorship; neither the number of co-authors nor their contributions. Many indices were proposed to take the effect of multiple co-authorship papers. The current Mo-index is based on the idea of distributing the citations of a paper between authors as a weighted value of the h-index of each author. The main advantage of the Mo-index is the distribution of the large number of citations between authors instead of being equally distributed and ignoring the rest of them by the calculation of the h-index.


Mo-Index, h-Index, Bibliometric Indices, Co-Authorship Papers.
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  • Hirsch JE,An index to quantify an individual’s scientific research output that takes into account the effect of multiple coauthorship, Scientometrics, 85(3) (2010) 741–754.
  • Schubert A, A Hirsch-type index of co-author partnership ability, Journal of Scientometric, 91(1) (2012) 303–308.
  • Hirsch JE, hα: An index to quantify an individual’s scientific leadership, Scientometrics, 118(2) (2019) 673–686.
  • Egghe L,Theory and practice of the g-index, Scientometrics, 69(1) (2006) 131–152.
  • Chai C, Hua H, Rousseau Rand Wan K, Real and rational variants of the h-index and the g-index,Proceedings of WIS, (2008) 64-71.
  • AusloosM, Assessing the true role of coauthors in the h-index measure of an author scientific impact, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 422(C) (2015)136–142.
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  • Mo-Index for Multi-Authors Papers

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Mohamed Shaalan Abed Fathi
College of Engineering, University of Mosul, Mosul, 41002, Iraq


h-index takes no care of co-authorship; neither the number of co-authors nor their contributions. Many indices were proposed to take the effect of multiple co-authorship papers. The current Mo-index is based on the idea of distributing the citations of a paper between authors as a weighted value of the h-index of each author. The main advantage of the Mo-index is the distribution of the large number of citations between authors instead of being equally distributed and ignoring the rest of them by the calculation of the h-index.


Mo-Index, h-Index, Bibliometric Indices, Co-Authorship Papers.
