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Inclusive Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior: Mediating Role of Thriving at Work

1 Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India

The goal of this study is to examine the direct relationship between inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviour. In addition, the study examines the indirect influence of inclusive leadership on innovative work behaviour through thriving at work. With the aid of a validated instrument, 380 respondents from the hospitality industry provided primary data for the study. Using PLS-sem, the measurement model, structural model, and mediation analysis were analysed. The study's structural model explored the direct and indirect effects of inclusive leadership on innovative work behaviour, as mediated by thriving at work. Positive and significant correlations were found between inclusive leadership and thriving at work, as well as inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviour. In addition, a favourable and statistically significant correlation was also identified between thriving at work and innovative work behaviour. Moreover, thriving at work strongly mediated the positive association between inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviour.The offered research is beneficial to both academics and practitioners. The study makes a substantial contribution to the literature on thriving at work and innovative work behaviour. HR professionals and managers in the hospitality industry should be made more aware of the advantages of being inclusive and how it helps employees be more innovative and performing better at work.


Inclusive Leadership, Thriving At Work, Innovative Work Behavior, Hospitality Employees

JEL Classification- M1, M12, M19

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  • Inclusive Leadership and Innovative Work Behavior: Mediating Role of Thriving at Work

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Sachitaa Srivastava
Research Scholar, Department of Management Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India
Lata Bajpai Singh
Assistant Professor, Department of Management Studies, Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India


The goal of this study is to examine the direct relationship between inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviour. In addition, the study examines the indirect influence of inclusive leadership on innovative work behaviour through thriving at work. With the aid of a validated instrument, 380 respondents from the hospitality industry provided primary data for the study. Using PLS-sem, the measurement model, structural model, and mediation analysis were analysed. The study's structural model explored the direct and indirect effects of inclusive leadership on innovative work behaviour, as mediated by thriving at work. Positive and significant correlations were found between inclusive leadership and thriving at work, as well as inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviour. In addition, a favourable and statistically significant correlation was also identified between thriving at work and innovative work behaviour. Moreover, thriving at work strongly mediated the positive association between inclusive leadership and innovative work behaviour.The offered research is beneficial to both academics and practitioners. The study makes a substantial contribution to the literature on thriving at work and innovative work behaviour. HR professionals and managers in the hospitality industry should be made more aware of the advantages of being inclusive and how it helps employees be more innovative and performing better at work.


Inclusive Leadership, Thriving At Work, Innovative Work Behavior, Hospitality Employees

JEL Classification- M1, M12, M19
