Modeling of the AC Breakdown Voltage in Point/Plane Air Gaps with Insulating Plexiglas Barrier by using the Design of Experiments Method
The breakdown paths and conditions of air-insulated rod-plane gaps under alternating voltages were investigated for plexiglass barrier inserted at different gap positions.In the present paper methods of the Modeling of the AC breakdown voltage in Point/Plane Air Gaps with insulating Plexiglas barrier are investigated by using the design of experiments method, An analysis based on experiments design method has been developed with indicates that,measures to contain tests of relevant information in the early stages of the short-time investigation were carried out on a one-time basis with a barrier varying in position and size. The results of our work are carried out at the High Voltage Laboratory of BISKRA University in the field of dielectric strength of air in system peak-barrier.
breakdown voltage, point-plane gap, insulating barrier ,experiments design method, factors.
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