Comparative Analysis of the Performance of Single Sign-On Authentication Systems with OpenID and OAuth Protocols
A vast number of people use the internet on a regular basis. The growing number of users will inadvertently bring new issues for both users and administrators as user managers. Users forget their user accounts and passwords when they have too many accounts to surf the internet. Web-based application services at University of Technology Yogyakarta include the Academic Information System (SIA) and E-Learning without exception. Both have the same issue: figuring out how to establish an authentication mechanism that will prevent users from forgetting their accounts on the system. The goal of this research is to create a prototype using Single Sign On (SSO) and compare the performance of the two SSO protocols utilized, OpenID and OAuth. The Explicate Problem, Define Requirements, Design and Develop Artifact, Demonstrate Artifact, Evaluate Artifact, and Communication processes are all part of this study. The results of prototype testing are obtained by attempting to log in using an academic service system account, and users are not required to login/authenticate again while accessing the e-learning page. Performance studies on both protocols revealed that the highest number of users who could login to the system at the same time was 1230 (OpenID) and 1219 (OAuth). In comparison to the OpenID protocol, the OAuth protocol is more consistent in terms of average response time for handling user requests. A greater specification is also required to suit the demands of additional users.
Single Sign On, OpenID, OAuth, Academic Information System.
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