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Morphological Operations and Histogram Analysis of SEM Images using Python

1 EEE Department, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad 500 090, India
2 School of Engineering, Mallareddy University, Hyderabad 500 090, India

Characterization of any Material/Element requires SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) analysis. Images captured from SEM are further considered for analysing the Morphology, structure of the material. Due to non-conduction or any technical issues, the image captured may not be accurate for analysis. If the image is accurate also morphological operations can’t be performed. In this paper, SEM images are processed to study the histogram analysis for equalizing the image, morphological operations via. Erosion, Dilation etc using Python programming.


Morphology, SEM, Gradient, Dilation, Erosion.
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  • Morphological Operations and Histogram Analysis of SEM Images using Python

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Suresh Kumar Tummal
EEE Department, Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad 500 090, India
Indira Priyadarshini T.
School of Engineering, Mallareddy University, Hyderabad 500 090, India


Characterization of any Material/Element requires SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) analysis. Images captured from SEM are further considered for analysing the Morphology, structure of the material. Due to non-conduction or any technical issues, the image captured may not be accurate for analysis. If the image is accurate also morphological operations can’t be performed. In this paper, SEM images are processed to study the histogram analysis for equalizing the image, morphological operations via. Erosion, Dilation etc using Python programming.


Morphology, SEM, Gradient, Dilation, Erosion.
