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An Energy-Efficient Routing Model for Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Networks

1 Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana 131 027, India

Scale-free Networks have surfaced as a significant discovery of network science with a wide application domain. The present paper explores scale-free network theory to design an efficient routing model for Wireless Sensor Networks. A dynamic wireless sensor network where nodes’ degree distribution follows power-law is a Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Network. The evolving nature of Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Networks and huge traffic flow make routing challenging. The paper proposes a hybrid cluster-based Energy Aware Scale-Free (EASF) routing strategy which uses static and dynamic network parameters like node degree, betweenness centrality, and node residual energy for topology generation and routing in a scale-free wireless sensor network. The adaptive nature of the algorithm effectively relocates the load from highly congested nodes to other nodes in the network by using a route evaluation function. The proposed algorithm increases network lifetime by about 33% and 15% and achieves a high clustering coefficient of approximately 37% and 25% higher when compared with Flow Aware Scale Free Model and Local-Area and Energy Efficient Model respectively. The cluster-based forwarding of data packets in EASF helps achieve a smaller increase in average path length with an increase in network size in comparison to FASF and EASF models.


Scale-Free, Wireless Sensor Network, Betweenness Centrality, Routing, Preferential Attachment.
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  • An Energy-Efficient Routing Model for Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Networks

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Pearl Antil
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana 131 027, India
Amita Malik
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, Murthal, Haryana 131 027, India


Scale-free Networks have surfaced as a significant discovery of network science with a wide application domain. The present paper explores scale-free network theory to design an efficient routing model for Wireless Sensor Networks. A dynamic wireless sensor network where nodes’ degree distribution follows power-law is a Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Network. The evolving nature of Scale-Free Wireless Sensor Networks and huge traffic flow make routing challenging. The paper proposes a hybrid cluster-based Energy Aware Scale-Free (EASF) routing strategy which uses static and dynamic network parameters like node degree, betweenness centrality, and node residual energy for topology generation and routing in a scale-free wireless sensor network. The adaptive nature of the algorithm effectively relocates the load from highly congested nodes to other nodes in the network by using a route evaluation function. The proposed algorithm increases network lifetime by about 33% and 15% and achieves a high clustering coefficient of approximately 37% and 25% higher when compared with Flow Aware Scale Free Model and Local-Area and Energy Efficient Model respectively. The cluster-based forwarding of data packets in EASF helps achieve a smaller increase in average path length with an increase in network size in comparison to FASF and EASF models.


Scale-Free, Wireless Sensor Network, Betweenness Centrality, Routing, Preferential Attachment.
