Impact of Synthesis Techniques on the Electrochemical Properties of ZnCo2O4 as Alternative Anode for Lithium-ion Batteries
Nowadays, mixed metal oxides like AB2O4-type structures have gained more and more attention as energy storage materials due to their superior electrochemical performance, better structure stability, good electronic conductivity, and excellent reversible capacity. Herein, ZnCo2O4 has been synthesized via two different routes of material synthesis such as urea-assisted combustion and ball milling method. The physicochemical characterization has been carried out with the help of XRD, FESEM, and EDX to confirm the phase, morphology, and elemental composition, respectively. The average crystallite size of ZnCo2O4 via urea-assisted combustion (ZCU) and the ball milled (ZCB) has been observed to be 57 nm and 70 nm as estimated from XRD. The average particle of ZnCo2O4 via urea combustion and the ball mill is20 μm and 49 μm, respectively, as observed by FESEM. The influence of the synthesis route on the electrochemical properties was analyzed via Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy and Cyclic Voltammetry.
Anode, Electrochemical property, Mixed metal oxides, Urea combustion method.
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