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Z Score Reveals Credit Capacity: a Case Study of SBI

1 assistant Professor, DOMS, MANIT
2 Scientist-EI, AMPRI, Bhopal
3 Ex-Director, Crescent Institute of technology

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The prediction of corporate fi nancial failure, crucial for the prevention and mitigation of economic downturns in a national economy, requires the categorization of healthy and unhealthy companies. This study examines the case of SBI and applies artifi cial neural network architectures-the self-organizing map -to assess the corporate fi nancial health of the fi rm. The research work fi rst estimates the internal parameters of the Z Score for a fi rm, these parameters from 2001-2008 to the train the BPNN and uses the estimates of the year 2009 and 2010 values for the validation process. Finally it dwells to draw predictions for the period 2011-2015 and emphasizes the growing role of BPNN application based Z Score computation of fi nancial Bankruptcy.


BPNN, neural network, credit lending, Z sore
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  • Z Score Reveals Credit Capacity: a Case Study of SBI

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Roli Pradhan
assistant Professor, DOMS, MANIT
K K Pathak
Scientist-EI, AMPRI, Bhopal
V P Singh
Ex-Director, Crescent Institute of technology


The prediction of corporate fi nancial failure, crucial for the prevention and mitigation of economic downturns in a national economy, requires the categorization of healthy and unhealthy companies. This study examines the case of SBI and applies artifi cial neural network architectures-the self-organizing map -to assess the corporate fi nancial health of the fi rm. The research work fi rst estimates the internal parameters of the Z Score for a fi rm, these parameters from 2001-2008 to the train the BPNN and uses the estimates of the year 2009 and 2010 values for the validation process. Finally it dwells to draw predictions for the period 2011-2015 and emphasizes the growing role of BPNN application based Z Score computation of fi nancial Bankruptcy.


BPNN, neural network, credit lending, Z sore
